Labaid Cancer Hospital
winning cancer
winning cancer


Millions of people are affected by cancer and battling hard to survive all over the world. It is tough to win over Cancer and it’s tough to go through hard and painful treatment. Definitely, as a patient, grit, and determination to live on is very important but for a survivor, it’s like adjusting to new feelings, new problems, and different ways to look at the world.



The human body is composed of multiple cells and these cells grow in a well-controlled and steady manner to produce more cells that keep the body growing and functionally normal. When these cells age or get damaged they get replaced by new cells. This reaction will come from an area or organ of the body where the cells continue to multiply and live beyond their life span. These cells are malignant cells.

Cancer is a medical condition in which mutation of cells leads to abnormal and uncontrolled multiplication of cells, in one organ or part of the body. These groups of malignant cells migrate and invade other parts of the body through blood and lymph, leading to cancer. Tumors happened when a group of malignant cells comes together to form a tissue.

Prevention, Diet control, Early detection, and correct diagnosis are the main steps for Cancer treatment and survival.

Understanding Cancer
A Global Picture of



Cancer is increasing day after day. The 8 million cancer Death a year all over the world and 5 million will be in low-income countries. So, it’s very alarming. Many cancers in those countries are preventable. Tobacco-related cancer continues to be the fastest-growing type in those countries. As Cervical cancer could be preventable by vaccines other as Breast cancer can be avoidable through awareness. But treatment remains another hurdle in those countries. Many still do not have access to chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Endocrine therapy, surgery, and other measures. It’s a burning question for the serious health crisis like cancer in a developing country like Bangladesh.

Diagnosis Cancer


Diagnosis is very important to treat cancer and a correct diagnosis can reduce the complexity of treating cancer. People diagnosed earlier with cancer are not more likely to survive but importantly have a better experience of care. Lower treatment morbidity and improved quality of life, compared with those diagnosed lately. The right treatment plan starts for a patient with screening. Labaid cancer Hospital and super specialty center have emphasized it with multiple screening packages. We have lungs, Breast, Cervical, and prostate cancer screening packages. Our latest Technologies are -PET-CT, MRI, Digital Mamogram, and 4D ultrasound.

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