Pancreatic Cancer
Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic Cancer


Pancreatic cancer is a form of cancer that occurs in the pancreas. Pancreas is an organ located right behind the stomach. It plays a vital role in digestion and regulates blood sugar. It is one of the deadliest cancers that operates silently until it reaches an advanced stage. Pancreatic cancer mutates and grows faster, sometimes out of control. 


Symptoms of Pancreatic cancer don’t come out until it reaches an advanced stage. However some of the core symptoms of Pancreatic cancer are:

●     Obstructive Jaundice

●     Weight Loss

●     Anorexia

●     Epigastric pain radiating through to the back

●     Malnutrition

●     Gastric outlet obstruction

●     Diabetes mellitus


Risk Factors

There are some factors that carry the risk of getting affected by Pancreatic cancer. One should be careful about these factors to remain free from risk of Pancreatic cancer. People who are at high risk of being affected by Pancreatic cancer are mentioned below:

●     Smoking

●     Diabetic Patients

●     Obesity

●     High consumption of red & processed meat

●     Hereditary pancreatitis

●     Genetic component with first degree relative



Diagnosis of Pancreatic Cancer is usually processed into 4 steps. These steps are:

●     Uss

●     City abdomen, chest & pelvis

●     MRI

●     EVS

●     ERCP

●     PET-CT scanning

●     Laparoscopy

●     Ca 19.9


Our Technology & Services

Labaid Cancer Hospital & Super Specialty Center has upgraded technology with skilled doctors and surgeons. The top notch treatment of pancreatic cancer has made it a reliable hospital to trust in the first place compared to other similar hospitals in Bangladesh. Over the last few years, Labaid Cancer hospital has been providing the best cancer treatment in Bangladesh. We are also renowned in providing affordable cancer treatment in Dhaka.


Our Team

Labaid Cancer Hospital has been fighting against cancer since the very beginning. Our team of experts are always watchful in terms of ensuring everyone is getting the best possible treatment. We have the best cancer doctor in Bangladesh. Besides all these, we provide a perfect and friendly environment to treat patients with their comfort. 

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